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Digital Juice System awarded in the category "Technology Innovation Award" on "Lucio Mastroberardino" SIMEI 2022 Ceremony

WINEGRID won the Technology Innovation Award at SIMEI 2022

WINEGRID won the Technology Innovation Award, along with G3 Enterprises and DIEMME Enologia, with the Digital Juice System. The award...
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WINEGRID solutions at Viti Vini

WINEGRID solutions at Viti Vini

On the past 11-14th October, Compas, our distributor, presented WINEGRID solutions in the 12th edition of Viti Vini, in Epernay,...
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Boathouse vineyard WINEGRID

WINEGRID solutions at Boathouse Vineyards, USA

WINEGRID solutions in Michigan, USA! Boathouse Vineyards is a winery and vineyard created in 2009, in Lake Leelanau, Michigan, United...
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LWG Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau WINEGRID

WINEGRID solutions at Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau

Our team visited a German institute that uses WINEGRID solutions. Land Schafft Bayern carries out practice-oriented research on winemaking, gardening...
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Mildiani Family Winery WINEGRID

WINEGRID solutions at Mildiani Family Winery

WINEGRID solutions at the cradle of viticulture, Georgia! Mildiani Family Winery uses WINEGRID’s WP1100 to monitor wine fermentation in tanks remotely...
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château Ad Francos WINEGRID BP1011

WINEGRID at Château Ad Francos

In September WINEGRID visited Château Ad Francos, a winery in France, France, that takes place in a picturesque castle dating...
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WINEGRID e-charmat - Second Fermentation Monitoring System

WINEGRID launched e-charmat

WINEGRID DEVELOPED A NEW SOLUTION TO MONITOR SPARKLING WINES PRODUCTION WITH CHARMAT METHOD. Now WINEGRID completes its set of solutions for the second fermentation process,...
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winegrid at reussir

WINEGRID mentioned in REUSSIR Vigne

Once again, WINEGRID has been mentioned in press. This time in French market, in an article regarding "connected density meters"....
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pomp NL article WINEGRID

WINEGRID highlighted in POMP NL

After attending Hannover Messe 2022, WINEGRID has been highlighted in POMP NL, a Dutch industrial trade journal, as “an example...
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Der Deutsche Weinbau 2022 WINEGRID

New article about WINEGRID in “Der Deutsche Weinbau”

The German leading trade magazine in the fields of viticulture, oenology and wine marketing Der Deutsche Weinbau just published an...
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